Maryland Child Care Training Calendar

Trainer/Organization Registration

Contact Information:

No special characters please.
No special characters please.

Login Credential Info:

(your email address will be used as your User Name.) The Email has already been used.

The password is too short. The password needs to be more complex. (Minimum of 6 characters. At least one number and one upper case letter.)
The passwords do not match.

Trainers/Organizations approved by the Maryland State Department of Education may use this platform to advertise approved trainings to the child care provider community. To complete registration, upload the approval letter or certificate provided by MSDE.

If you are approved by an agency to conduct CPR and/or First Aid certification courses, upload approval documentation from the certifying agency which includes the expiration date.

If you are a representative of a college or university, upload documentation which verifies your affiliation with the accredited institution, which can include a letter from a department chair or dean.

Questions regarding appropriate documentation should be directed to Lacey Egerton at